
NORK spy agency blamed for Bangladesh cyberheist, Sony Pictures hack The Register

「Lazarus (also known as Dark Seoul Gang) first came to notice after running various distributed denial of service (DDoS) and hack attacks against government, military and aerospace institutions worldwide.・・・pharmaceutical companies in …

China cyber-security law will keep citizens' data within the Great Firewall The Register

「China's new cyber-security laws, which come into effect on Thursday, may make it harder for foreign businesses to trade in the country.」らしい。

Google Online Security Blog: New Built-In Gmail Protections to Combat Malware in Attachments


Hack Department of Homeland Security Act Would Bring Bug Bounty Program to DHS | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

「“The networks and systems at DHS are vital to our nation’s security. It’s imperative that we take every step to protect DHS from the many cyber attacks they face every day,” 」らしい。他力本願寺。

Patches Available for Linux Sudo Vulnerability | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

「Qualys said it will publish its exploit once systems have had time to patch.」といっているが攻撃にはユーザ権限が必要とのこと。

WannaCry mistakes that can help you restore files after infection - Securelist

「From our in depth research into this ransomware, it is clear that the ransomware developers have made a lot of mistakes and, as we pointed out, the code quality is very low.」らしい。


ダークWebでのサイバー犯罪者同士の縄張り争い | トレンドマイクロ セキュリティブログ Office 365 にメールを移行する前に、適切なセキュリティ保証の確認を | Symantec Connect コミュニティ 【2017/6/1 18:05更新】標的型攻撃メールに関する注意喚起 - 情…

DAZNがApple TVに対応、iOSアプリもリニューアル - ITmedia LifeStyle


「早期警戒衛星」「サイバー攻撃能力」保有を 自民  :日本経済新聞


JAXA | H-IIAロケット34号機 による「みちびき2号機」(準天頂衛星)の打上げ結果について

「ロケットは計画通り飛行し、打上げ後約28分21秒に「みちびき2号機」(準天頂衛星)を正常に分離した事を確認」らしい。 Japanese navigation craft successfully delivered to orbit Spaceflight Now 準天頂衛星「みちびき」打ち上げ成功 「米国GPSに依存…